

This is an oral version of testosterone and it has been modified through methylization so as not to get digested in the body.

It was the first version of testosterone that was not injectable and scientists who were making it were attempting to make the first oral testosterone steroid.

It has been altered to survive oral digestion and this makes a lot of sense since the body needs it in one piece in the muscles and the bloodstream.

However, this alteration has made it one of the most toxic steroids in the world, due to the fact that it is not kind to the liver.

It causes a lot of toxicity and with long term use it can affect the health and the performance of the liver.

Methyltestosterone is a testosterone, so you can expect to notice some side effects of testosterone. Some of these side effects are those that come with aromatization, which happen with all types of testosterone.

Aromatization is the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which is the female hormone that causes changes in the female body.

This means that a man with estrogen will notice the development of breast tissue and women will have Virilization, the development of male characteristics like the deepening of the voice and the growth of the Adams apple.

The extreme of Virilization include the growth of the clitoris, to an extent that it looks like a small penis.

As if aromatization is not enough, Methyltestosterone will convert to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which has its own side effects as well.

Some of the side effects of this conversion include premature hair loss and the enlargement of the prostate gland.

It does affect the natural production of the natural hormones in the body, like luteinizing hormone and the follicle stimulating hormone.

It does affect too the production of hormone of the thyroid gland as well.

Methyltestosterone is the kind of steroid you want to use when you are looking for specific results since the side effects can be extreme.

You are supposed to use little of it and monitored your reaction to Methyltestosterone before increasing the dosage.

For those who are looking for an increase in aggression levels, this is the kind of steroid to have.

Aggression will help you with endurance in physical training and you can take it several hours before a competition as you strengthen your physique for the competitions.

However it is not the best aggressor in its category and the presence of better aggressors makes it less desirable.

Esterified estrogens and methyltestosterone combination is used to treat the symptoms of menopause in patients who did not get relief after being treated with estrogens alone.

These symptoms may include a feeling of heat, sweating, and warmth in the face, neck, or chest (“hot flashes”); and dryness, burning, and itching in the vagina.

 Esterified estrogens are a man-made mixture of estrogens. Estrogen is a hormone that is produced by the body in greater amounts in females.
It is necessary for normal sexual development of the female and for regulation of the menstrual cycle during the childbearing years. Methyltestosterone is a man-made form of testosterone, a hormone that is produced by the body in greater amounts in males and small amounts in females.
Menopause symptoms occur when the hormone balance changes in the female body. This combination of hormones will relieve the symptoms of menopause by adding more hormones to the body.

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